Thursday, May 7, 2009

misunderstood or mis-understood?

Somebody once told me
If you’re misunderstood, it’s your fault
You’re responsible, not the other party

You’re responsible for the words that came out of your mouth
That you say them in a way the meaning is correctly put across
That the meaning which leaves your mouth
is the same meaning received at the other end
That your speech attains its desired effect
Then is it useful and effective speech
That it’s not what you said but what was heard
That it’s not what you meant but what people perceived you meant
That people understand you correctly
That you’re not misunderstood
If not, it’s your fault
You’re responsible

Yes, very utilitarian
Very practical advice
Makes you even more responsible for what you say
If you aren’t already
But then again…

Now, how much of a responsibility is that?
That you’re not only responsible for yourself and what you say
But you’re also responsible for what others hear or mis-hear, understand or mis-understand?

Is it “Misunderstood”
That the whole word comes as one?
That the whole word belongs to you?
Your responsibility?

Or is it “Mis-understood”
That “mis” is added to “understood”?
That perhaps at times
It’s beyond you?

“Misunderstood” or “Mis-understood”?

Learnt this from a friend:
“To go on living without fear. Fear of not being
[correctly understood or] rightfully acknowledged by everyone.”

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