Wednesday, September 29, 2010

small, short, scrawny

"Oh My!!! You have such a terribly small and short thing!!!" Lucy exclaimed in amazement. "My brother's one is like so much longer than yours." I sighed. The usual remark when I reveal to people such undisclosed knowledge. "Will it grow?" she asked bewildered.

"Depends. Sometimes it does, you know. I usually can't control it. But it grows really slow. Takes like months to enlarge," I replied reluctantly. I was being humiliated by Lucy's non-stop comments about the size of my possession. Although she doesn't mean it, she kept emphasising the miniscule size of it. Then she poked at it playfully as if trying to agitate the thing. "DON'T!" I retort as I covered it with my hands. Lucy stared apologetically at me. "Sorry, I thought if I touch it, it'll move." I remained silent, while observing the small thing. It looked so pathetic and underfed the colour of its skin pale and cold. "Can I call it Scrawny?" Lucy teased. "I've already named it John," I shot back still angry.

She was dumbfounded for a moment before she spoke again, "John? How ordinary!!!" I rolled my eyes. "What should I name it then? The Golden Gate Bridge? Giganto? Bookworm? Bob? Hercules? Achilles? Baseball bat? Lollipop?" Lucy's eyes began to water from my sarcasm.

"Sorry," she pouted. "I like it small. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," she sobbed. “I know the other guys have bigger flashier ones, but they're not as cute as yours. I like John!" she tried to say. I wanted to be angry some more but soon relented. "Yeah, John is cute. Anyway, I’m not like the other flashers - I prefer to keep John to myself." Flashers were the term Lucy and I gave to the other guys who boast about the size of their lizards.

But who cares? I know no other monitor lizard will replace the cute little John, whose piercing eyes and lime green skin make him one of the most beautiful lizards in the world. Lucy smiled. "I think we fooled them, you know. They really thought you were being dirty."

"Yeah," I replied. "I do that a lot when I’m bored." And we laughed while John walked around aimlessly.

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