Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Brain drain

BioValley, one of Mahathir's brilliant brainchild... A dream, if fulfilled, would put Malaysia on the competitive edge, a dream that is to date... Well, still a dream. After reading an article, I can't help but agree with the author's thoughts on the matter. Malaysia groans about brain drains, yet does nothing to attract bright minds back. Indeed, nothing can be achieved so long as the ethnic favouritism is in place.

Many of my friends have asked me time and time again if
why I'd travel halfway across Peninsular Malaysia. My answer is always the same... I don't come from a wealthy family and NTU offers great education (although the price tag is higher). For the same price (ignoring the currency) that I pay to go to local private institutes, I get to experience a whole new culture. Why not? Of course, this was always followed by the next popular question… Why not local universities? Why bother, when I'd apply for Economics, or Business school, they would only offer you a place in agriculture, or horticulture or some godforsaken course? I would rather compete with more people on an equal ground than less with a handicap.

Do I see myself going back to Malaysia one day? Sure... But I don't think this has anything to do with my patriotism. Sure I love Malaysia, but I think this has a lot to do with having families and friends there, and spending my formative years there. I do hope that I can one day contribute to my home country, as I'm sure a lot of Malaysians have the same sentiment. But with how things are going now, the future looks bleak. Perhaps like many able Malaysians, I would join the flock in Singapore, the next best place. If only Malaysia could change...

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